- Click the field list dropdown at the top of the Maps page, select New Fields, and then select Import in the New Field window
- Click the "+ select files" button to choose the shapefiles to import. Shapefile types could include field boundaries, grid sampling files, polygon-zone sampling files, or a point shapefile.
- Each shapefile must include a .shp, .shx, and .dbf file
- Multiple fields can be selected at once
- If importing fields stored in a folder, the folder must be zipped
Once the fields you would like to import are uploaded to this page, select the green "Import" button at the bottom. Client, Farm, and Field names will be designated in the next step.
The next window is the Field Configuration.
Use ShapeFile Attributes
The first option in the field configuration is to use shapefile attributes. Toggle this on if your shapefiles include the Client/Farm/Field names in the dbf attributes. Toggle it off if none of the attributes include the correct info. See below examples.
The example shown here is when to toggle on the option to use the shapefile attributes:
One of the attribute names here is "Grower_Name" and it's value is "Mont Helena"
The 2nd example (shown below) is when the shapefile attributes do not contain the field data needed:
None of the attribute names or values match field name information.
Batch Select
The batch select option allows you to select the Client/Farm/Field Names for all fields in the importer at once. Note that batch settings can then be overridden and do not override values you have already set. This feature can only be used when importing shapefiles with a common attribute format.
When the option to use shapefile attributes is toggled on, select the correct attribute for each of the Client/Farm/Field names and Sample ID (if applicable).
When the option to use shapefile attributes is toggled off, manually enter or select the Client and Farm Names.
Click the green checkmark in the top right to apply the batch settings.
Assign Job
Assign a job from the job list or create a new job to apply to all of the imported fields. For more information on Jobs and Job creation, reference Jobs.
Import as Boundaries or Zones
Each field gives the option to import the shapefile as boundaries or as zones. The total number of polygons is shown as well as a visual representation.
Select "Field" to import the shape files as an outer boundary.
Select "Zones" to import the shape files as sampling zones
Import as a New or Existing Field
To import shapefiles to an existing field (such as importing zones), toggle OFF the option to import as a new field and then select the field the shapefiles are applied to.
By default, this option is toggled ON to import the shapefiles as a new field. This is used when creating new fields by importing boundaries. You will need to select the Client/Farm/Field names in the following step.
Selecting Client, Farm, and Field Names
When the option to use shapefile attributes is selected, the names can be selected from the attribute list. The attribute name will be shown as well as the corresponding value for that field. If the batch select option is not used, the importer automatically selects the best attribute for each name. Review each field to ensure the correct name is selected, and make changes as needed.
When the option to use shapefile attributes is OFF, manually enter the Field Name and enter or select the Client and Farm names. If Client and Farm name are entered using the batch select feature, you will only need to enter the Field name for each field.
Import a Boundary and Zones/Points together
If importing both a field boundary and sampling zones or points, those can be imported at the same time. First, select the shapefiles for both the boundary and the sampling map.
After clicking Import, go through the field name and job assignment steps as stated above for only the boundary shapefile. For the sampling shapefile, change the file setting from Field to Zones (Note: if importing target points, it will auto-select as points). Then un-check the Import as new field setting.
Next, under the sampling file settings, select Add to field, then at the top of the window select In upload group. This will give you a menu of the other boundary files that are in the batch of files that you are importing. Select the appropriate boundary for that sampling file.
Lastly, select the Sample ID attribute for the sampling file (if applicable), and then click Finish Import. The sampling file will only be visible under the Job that it was imported under. However, the boundary will be available across Jobs. This allows you to sample using the zones or points for the current job, but puts the boundary in place for future jobs to either create or import new zones/points.
Sample ID
Sample ID is only needed if importing points or sampling zones with existing sample IDs. Click the dropdown to select the correct sample ID attribute. If no attribute is selected, sample IDs will be generated once target points or zones are created on the app.