This article defines the metrics and diagnostic values available on the GeoPress Diagnostic Page. For Troubleshooting help, see GeoPress TroubleShooting.
Input Voltage: Measured where power inputs on the GeoPress module
Debug: Running list of events and actions on the GeoPress. This section could be used to determine the current status of the GeoPress, or the series of events that lead up to an issue.
The Carousel Section shows the current states and positions of different locations within the GeoPress. See the following diagram for further explanation of the position locations and degrees. **Note that these positions may differ between GeoPress units and the degrees shown in these pictures may not be the same as your GeoPress.**
The Sensors (named) section shows the state of each sensor. A green "T" means true - indicating the named status is recognized. A red "F" means false - meaning that state is not seen.
Sensor names and meanings if "True" | |
Tag at NFC | A RFID tag is seen over the NFC reader a the Home position |
Tipper Tube | A GeoTube is seen in the tipper |
Mixer enabled | The mixer will ready, and will run if the mixer door is opened and closed |
Funnel down | The funnel is in the down position |
Carousel tube | A GeoTube is seen in the carousel arms |
Mixer closed | The mixer door is closed |
Mug present | The mug is all the way in the forward position |
The Sensors (analog) section shows the raw sensor readings. This can be useful to see if the sensor readings are on the edge of the True/False thresholds.
Advanced settings can be enabled or disabled. To change them, tap on the orange text and select Yes or No from the menu. Yes means enabled, and No means disabled. After changing a setting, you will have to press Reset before continuing normal operation.
Soil warning enabled | Checks to ensure enough soil is in the GeoTube. Reference [insert link] for troubleshooting steps for insufficient soil warnings |
Always enable mixer | When disabled, the mixer will not run unless a GeoTube in the Fill position. This helps prevent users from dumping a sample into the funnel without a GeoTube underneath. Enabling this feature will ignore this condition. |
Plunger stuffing current | Changes the current threshold the plunger looks for when determining if there is enough soil. Do not change without first consulting product support. |