All field Edits start by selecting the Field you'd like to make changes to, then selecting Edit in the menu on the right side of the page.
There are several different characteristics you can edit:
- Target Points
- Zones
- Boundaries
Editing Field Boundaries
To enter edit mode, select the Edit button on the right hand menu.
All of the boundary editing options are shown in the right hand side in the edit boundary menu
Edit Boundary
To edit an existing boundary, select the "edit" icon from under the Boundary section of the edit menu.
To edit the points on the boundary polygon, select anywhere inside the field boundary so that the polygon is highlighted yellow.
To add another point, click and drag any of the smaller yellow points along the boundary.
To remove a point, double click the point.
When finished editing the polygon, select the green commit button on the bottom.
Add Boundary
To add additional polygons in the same field, select the "+" icon in the edit boundary menu.
This will bring up the following menu which allows you to add an additional boundary polygon to the same field.
Delete Boundary
To delete boundary polygons, select the red delete icon in the edit boundary menu. Tap on the polygon you want to remove and confirm.
Snip into Boundary
To cut into an existing boundary file (such as to cut out a waterway), select the "snip" icon in the edit boundary menu.
Tap on the map to draw the shape you want to cut out.
When finished making changes, click "Stop Editing" to close the edit menu.
Editing Zones
Sampling zones in the form of grids or polygons can be imported, but only grids can be created on the Radicle app. For instructions on how to import zones, reference Importing a New Field
Grid Creation
- The zone editing options are below the boundary options on the right side of the page.
- To add grid zones to the field, select the "..." button
- Press Generate zone grid to create a new grid zones for the field
- First, select the grid size. Preset sizes include 1, 2.5, and 5 acres
- The Auto-Merge Threshold percentage can be used to merge small grids together with a neighboring, full-sized grid. When the percentage is set to 0%, not auto-merging will take place. To increase the percentage and enable the auto-merge feature, move the slider to the right. The percentage dictates the range of grid sizes that will automatically merge with larger grids. For example, setting the Auto-Merge Threshold to 20% on a 2.5-acre grid map will result in any grid that is 0.5-acres are smaller getting merged with a neighboring grid zone.
- Next, use the position slides to move and rotate the grid map into the desired location and orientation
- Click Accept and Apply to Finish creating the grid zones. Clear and Cancel will erase all changes and close the grid editor window
Zone Merging
Click the Merge button to enable the zone merge feature
Once enabled, you can manually merge two grids or polygons together. To do this, simply click the first zone that you want to merge (an orange circle will appear), then double click on the adjacent zone that you want to merge with it. The two zones will then merge together.
Once you are done merging zones, click Commit to save your changes. If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel.
Editing Target Points
In edit mode, select the Targets section has the target editing options
To create new target points, or clear existing points, select the "..." (more options) icon in the bottom left corner. Selecting Generate target per zone will automatically add target points to every zone, while selecting Clear targets will remove all points if they have already been created.
To move target points, select the Move icon. Once selected, click and drag points to move them around the map. Once you are finished, click Commit to save your changes. Clicking Cancel will undo all changes you have made.
To add target points, select the Add icon. Once selected, click anywhere to add a target point. Click Commit to save your changes. Clicking Cancel will undo all changes you have made.
To delete target points, select the Delete icon. Select the desired point to remove it, and click commit or cancel to save or undo changes.