Exporting options from Radicle include:
- Field boundary
- Sample results as a point shapefile
- Sample results as a CSV
- Sample results as a zone polygon shapefile
There are two ways to open the export options:
- Open a field by clicking on the boundary on the map, or by searching for it in the fields list
- Click the field name at the top of the page, and then click Export fields
Export Options
- In the Export options section, select whether you would like to export a single field, or all fields for a given Client or Farm. By default, this section will automatically select the single field that you have open. After making a selection, choose which Job you would like to export. The text at the bottom will show the number of fields that will export with the given settings
- Next, select the date format you would like for the export. This date format will be used for Sampled and Analyzed dates
- The next section allows you to choose the format that the results will be exported in. The options are a Shapefile, or a CSV.
- If Shapefile is selected as the export type, you can also check the box on the next step to include a field boundary shapefile in the export. This will export as a separate shapefile than the results.
- When exporting a shapefile, you can choose to either export results as a Point shapefile, or a Zone shapefile. The point shapefile will export the individual collection point locations, and the zone shapefile will export the entire zone
Note: By default, the Point shapefile option will not include the boundary as shown in the example.
- Lastly, you can choose whether or not to include the sampled or analyzed date within the results data. Either option will use the format that was selected in the earlier step.
Analysis Conversions
This section allows you to choose the units, and reported values for each analyte. The unit options are ppm (parts per million) or lbs/acre (pounds per acre).
The default reported values for each analyte are the native Radicle Lab values. For a full explanation of the Radicle Lab methods and native values, reference the Radicle Lab Interpretations Guide. Each analyte value can be converted to other method types if needed. For more details on available conversions, reference the interpretations guide.
The Season setting will change which conversion equations to use for the results. Choose the season in which the samples were analyzed.
Export Options and Analysis Conversion settings will be saved automatically for the account and will only be change if those settings are adjusted by the user.
Download Export
Once you have completed adjusting the export settings, click Export at the bottom of the window. Another window will appear showing the export process. Once a green check mark is seen, click Download to save the export to your downloads folder.