All Radicle products are controlled through This article is an overview of the functions and areas of the website and app.
The website and app are very similar in layout and format, so they will be referred to as the same thing in this article.
Log in to Access to is currently limited to customers using Radicle products. For account assistance, please call 309-925-4343 or submit a help ticket.
The first thing you will see when you log into is the Dashboard.
To access all Field information, Maps, and GeoPress Controls, select the "Map" icon in the bottom menu bar.
If your account includes access to a Lab (only for accounts with labs at their locations), access it under the "Labs" icon in the bottom menu bar.
For all other navigation and menu options, select the menu button in the top left corner.
The side menu on includes the following options:
For accounts with Lab access, selecting "labs" will take you to the Lab controls and diagnostic.
Select Map to access all field info, maps, and GeoPress controls.
The Read and Write Geotube options only function on smartphones (not on iPads, tablets, or computers). This is because only smartphones include the RFID reader necessary to use these functions.
The resources tab includes Safety Data Sheets for Laboratory chemicals. The Support Docs link at the top of the page brings you to the Help Center (radicleag.zendesk).
You can use the Submit logs option to report app bugs. Please reach out to Product Support or the app developers before submitting logs.
Account settings allows you to sign out of your account (top right) or change your name and profile picture.
The name set under "Your Name" is what shows up as the Sampler name when soil sampling.
Dark mode can be enabled or disabled in this menu as well.
The restart app option may be helpful for troubleshooting or when experiencing app issues.