Download the new software version off the web. Ensure that the file name is radicle-full. If additional numbers or special characters are added to the name, the GeoPressTM unit will not recognize it and the update will fail
Find a USB thumb drive and make sure no other GeoPress software versions are installed on it. If there are multiple versions of GeoPress software on the USB drive, the update will fail.
USB drive must also be 32GB or less and formatted as FAT32
This can be checked by right-clicking on the USB drive on your computer and selecting "Properties"
Copy and paste the software onto the USB drive
Don't past the software file in a folder or zipped file on the USB drive. Simply paste the software file on the USB drive on it's own.
With the GeoPress off, open the back of the GeoPress, unscrew the dust cap off of the master module USB port, and insert the USB drive into the USB port
Turn the GeoPress on
If the GeoPress is successfully updating software, it should take about 2 minutes for the modules to come online and for the LED status light to start flashing
Normal start up time is about 1 minute
Remove the USB drive, put the dust cap back on, and close the back door.
Connect the iPad to the GeoPress and check the Master version on the GeoPress page to confirm the software was updated.