The To Fault button can be used to remove a GeoTube and cap from the carousel area, or to visually inspect the carousel arm sensor. Below are instructions on how to use and recover from going To Fault.
After pressing To Fault, the carousel will move up against the side of the mixer, to the left of the Fill position. Once the carousel reaches position, the Capper will also extend downward. This will happen regardless of whether there is a GeoTube or cap in the carousel area.
If the GeoTube is removed from the carousel
You MUST remove the cap from the capper before pressing Reset.
Once you press reset, you will see a pop up reminding you to remove the cap
To remove the cap, you must first power down and unplug the GeoPress. Once the system is powered down, reach in the back of the GeoPress, underneath the safety shield, and through the GeoTube exit port. Grab the cap in the Capper assembly and slide it back towards you and out of the Capper. Once the cap is out, plug the GeoPress back in, power it on, and reconnect it to your device.
Once the device is reconnected, press Reset to load another GeoTube
If the GeoTube is left in the carousel
The GeoTube sensor will see that there is a tube in the carousel. Simply press Reset and the GeoTube will be capped, discarded, and another GeoTube will be loaded. The discarded GeoTube can be reloaded if there is no damage or soil in the GeoTube.