Both zones and points can be imported to either new or existing fields. Existing zone and point IDs can be associated during the import process.
- Click the field list dropdown at the top of the Maps page, select New Fields, and then select Import in the New Field window
- Click the "+ select files" button to choose the shapefiles to import. Shapefile types could include field boundaries, grid sampling files, polygon-zone sampling files, or a point shapefile.
- Each shapefile must include a .shp, .shx, and .dbf file
- Multiple fields can be selected at once
- If importing fields stored in a folder, the folder must be zipped
Once the fields you would like to import are uploaded to this page, select the green "Import" button at the bottom. Client, Farm, and Field names will be designated in the next step.
Importing Zones
In the field importer, change the import as field option to import as "Zones." The total number of zones (or shapefile polygons) will be displayed as well as an image of the shapefile.
To import zones to a new field, toggle ON the option to import as a new field and enter the Client/Farm/Field names for the field.
To import zones to an existing field, toggle OFF the option to import as a new field and then select the field to apply the zones to.
Importing Points
The importer automatically recognizes when points are being imported and designates them as points rather than zones or boundaries. The total number of points and shape of the points will be displayed.
To import zones to a new field, toggle ON the option to import as a new field and enter the Client/Farm/Field names for the field.
To import zones to an existing field, toggle OFF the option to import as a new field and then select the field to apply the zones to.
If the points have existing IDs you want to continue to use, select the correct sample ID attribute from the dropdown list.
After importing, the associated sample IDs can only be viewed after the samples are pulled.