Jobs can be used to manage sampling seasons, years, customer orders, and more.
A job must be open to complete any action, such as importing fields, creating or editing boundaries, zones, and points, and sampling fields.
A job can be assigned to one or multiple/all fields, or assigned to specific users.
The current job is shown under the GeoPressTM unit icon in the top right corner of the maps page. A list of all open jobs is shown below it.
All soils samples and fields from Spring 2024 or prior are automatically assigned to "Pre Fall 2024."
For example, to view fields sampled in Fall 2023, select the Pre Fall 2024 job to make it active. Close out of the job menu. The map view now shows all sampled and analyzed fields in green or their respective colors.
In the same example, when the current job is switched back to Fall 2024, now the maps show the current season's sampling state - in this case, all fields are still unsampled.
Creating New Jobs
To create new jobs, open the job menu by selecting the current job name.
Select the "+ New Job" at the bottom of the menu.
Edit the job name as needed. Multiple jobs with the same name is allowed.
Tags can be added to help find and group jobs with similar attributes. For example, you can have multiple jobs with different names but all with the same tag (such as Fall 2024) and then later export all fields with that tag.
When a new job is created, it does not automatically become open. Each job will need to be started (see below).
Jobs can also be created when importing fields.
Starting Jobs
To start a job, make a field active by selecting it on the map or searching it in the list. The current job will still be shown on the right menu with a "Start Job" option.
Confirm that you want to start the job.
Using the same example as earlier, now that the field has a job assigned, it is marked ready to sample, and will show up as yellow on the main map overview.
Assigning Jobs
Assign a job to multiple fields by selecting the job in the Open Jobs option. This opens a menu with all of the fields that have the same job assigned.
To manage which fields the job is assigned to, select "manage fields".
Checkmark the fields you want to assign the current job to. Select OK when finished.
The selected fields are now shown. Select OK to close out of the menu.
In this example, the fields with the job "Fall 2024" are ready for sampling and yellow on the map.